VATSIM Flights

Imagine turning up and being handed your flight plan and weather charts.  The aircraft is on stand, 30 minutes from departure... the clock is ticking. You have to set-up the aircraft ready for flight. You can hear ATC chatter in the background.  The pressure is on!

As real as it gets!”

Experience the thrill of virtual air traffic control combined with the immersive sensation of a professional-grade flight simulator.

Our setup offers unmatched realism, creating an interactive environment where you can practice communication skills, follow real-world procedures, and enjoy flying through a controlled yet challenging virtual airspace. Fully operational Radio Control Panels and Intercom systems enhance the authenticity of the experience. We can provide and file flight plans through SimBrief and Navigraph on our iPads, or you're welcome to use your own devices.

You can fly solo, or with a friend.

Got a free evening?

We are bookable in the evenings* too. Find the perfect time to suit your lifestyle and go ahead and book today.

We know that most of the European ATC is online in the evening, so you can book the use of the simulator to fly at the perfect time for busy skies.

*Bookable up to 11pm. Any request beyond this time will be subject to availability and will incur a surcharge.

Fly through some of the busiest airports and airspace in the world.

You can fly to and from any airport in the world. If you let us know in advance which airports you want to fly from we can often enhance the scenery for your flight. Fly into a busy and stormy Hong Kong airport or giveway to the Turkish and KLM triple sevens passing from left to right!

This is as real as it gets! Enjoy your flight!

“Give way to the two Boeing Triple Sevens, passing from left to right”

Listen to, and respond to the virtual Air Traffic Controller and see the aircraft in real time. With a vast database of models and liveries, you will often see other traffic operating around you. Stay alert!


We offer a variety of packages tailored to the duration of the flight you'd like to undertake.

If your flight is delayed or takes longer than anticipated, you have the option to either disconnect from VATSIM and complete your landing, or extend your session by purchasing additional time in 5-minute increments.

2 Hour Package

Perfect for a European short haul route with a block time of around 60 - 75 minutes. You’ll spend approximately 15 minutes planning your flight before entering the simulator where you’ll start powering up the aircraft and begin your preflight prep. Then it’s time to contact ATC for your departure clearance. As your block time arrives, you’ll request pushback and get underway.

Some example routes:



Extra time charged at £10 per 5 minutes.

3 Hour Package

Perfect for a European medium haul route with a block time of around 120 - 140 minutes.

Alternatively, you could fly 2 short haul routes.

Some example routes:




Extra time charged at £10 per 5 minutes.


Milk Run Mondays!

Melbourne - Sydney

Every Monday between 09:00 - 12:00 GMT

Discounted rate!

£175.00 (2 hours, Solo or Dual use)

  • Every Monday morning, we’re open for you to fly the famous “Milk Run” from Melbourne to Sydney.

  • Our morning is the evening in Australia and the Vatsim ATC endevour to provide full ATC between these two major aiports

  • Arrive at 09:00 to plan and pre-flight for your departure to Sydney. Join hundreds of other VATSIM users on this famous route, but this time you’ll be flying in a full A320 Simulator.

  • Come and fly one of the busiest routes in the world at our discounted rate!

  • Tea, Coffee and refreshments included. 2 hours use includes briefing & planning time before the flight.

VATSIM evenings

  • Every weekday evening, we’re open for you to fly a short haul route anywhere in the world where there is VATSIM coverage.

  • Slots bookable between 19:00 and 23:00. Spend 15 minutes planning and filing your route (with our help if needed), and then enter the simulator to start your preflight prep. Fly anywhere in the world that has the desired VATSIM coverage.

  • During the cruise, help yourself to hot or cold drinks and refreshments, or order in a take away from any of the many restaurants nearby, including Five Guys, McDonalds, Wagamama or Nando's.

Worldwide. Book your two or three hour packages

Every Weekday between 19:00 - 23:00 GMT

2 hour - £280.00 (2.5 hours, Solo or Dual use)

3 hour - £380.00 (3.5 hours, Solo or Dual use)

Fly wherever your wings take you.

If there is a specific event you want to fly then get in touch. We can work with you to create the best experience possible. It could be a ‘World Flight 2025’, the Monday Milk Run or the usual chaos into Frankfurt.. We are here to make it an experience you will never forget.

Flying FAQs

  • Yes of course! Be prepared for the high workload however. There will always be a simulator assistant present so you can disconnect from the Vatsim network should you need to.

  • Yes of course you can and we recommend this to share the workload. There are two seats (obviously) in the flight deck so you can work together on the radio and plan your flight safely.

  • We have a login which we use for flying however if you wish to, you can login with your own Vatsim details.

  • Yes there is. We recommend you let us know your required routes beforehand so we can have the aircraft ready for your arrival.

  • We can flight plan to a different destination to maximise ATC coverage but as you probably already know, there is a chance that ATC will be offline. There will still be aircraft operating around you so it is recommended to make traffic calls on the correct frequency.

  • You have a few options here. Firstly, you can buy more time at £10 per 5 minutes to continue to operate your flight as normal. Secondly, we can disconnect from the Vatsim network and re-connect (subject to approval) enroute. Thirdly we can disconnect for the duration and fly the route without ATC or even position the aircraft elsewhere and fly a different route. We are generally very flexible and will work with you during this time to maximise your flying time.

  • Yes you can... but not quite yet! We are working on the ability to stream. Please reach out to use if this is something you are interested in.

  • Yes we can! There would be an extra charge of £25 per hour for the instructor however we have some incredibly experienced people on our team who would gladly assist you on the flight through some of the busiest virtual skies in the world! Please get in touch to discuss what we can offer!

  • On arrival you will have the aircraft, on stand, in a turn around state or cold-and-dark.

    You will be given a clipboard with your ATC flight plan, fuel planning and loadsheet. Along with this you will have the latest weather given to you for the departure and arrival airport.

  • You can email and we will respond as soon as possible to work with you personally to understand your needs.